Saturday, August 15, 2009

First Quarter with TLE

TLE is introduced as one of our subjects in secondary level. It's exciting having this subject because as we all know, we are now in the computer world. Technology is advancing and improving year by year. Thus, one needs computer education so we can relate to this very advance and modern world we are in.
I've learned a lot in the past three years. And year after year, I tend to discover things in connection with computer. I've been exploring the computer in the past years (since I was first year up to this time) and this gladdened my heart since I learned to love this subject. This is challenging my interest especially now that I've started exploring the "blogger". I considered the "blogger" as my latest innovation in terms of my computer literacy. Though, this was introduced when we were in second year, I didn't enjoyed that much.
Though I am learning day after day, hindrances to maximize my learning in "blogger" are coming my way. These cannot be avoided. There are times, I can't understand what is going on while exploring. And this triggers me to go on. Unlike the friendster and facebook which I easily adopted And enjoyed using as most of us do, using and exploring the "blogger" is very different and hard to be familiarize with. But then, I must not quit surfing and exploring it until I will be used in using it.
Having our own small internet cafe at home is indeed a blessing to me! This lessens my ignorance in many instance. Because everytime, one of the computers is free of use, I sit and explore so I can learn more. And that I will not be left behind in one way or another.
Moving on I will make sure to have an advance reading and to visit my blog more often so as to improve it. For the meantime I salute every people behind the internet propagation for a job well done.