Thursday, November 5, 2009

A teacher is no just an ordinary teacher who just teach.

If you asked an elementary student what is a teacher or who a teacher is, he or she would say, "A teacher is our second mother/ father." This line is already implanted in the minds of the children at an early age.

it is true, teachers act as our second parents. they are our mentors, doing all their bast to impart to us their knowledge in many aspects. Generally, teachers are the noblest professionals. They act and serve as the foundation of any profession or vocation. One thing I learned from my mother though she is not a professional teacher but works as an educator that, "As a mentor, aim to produce students better than yourselves." She is not contented until her learners learn from her in any way.

for all we know, many teachers are devoted to their professions. Most if them are adherent to their vocation to teach and impart what they know, neglecting their personal life especially the old teachers, so to say. So, as students, we should learn to value the sacrifices of our teachers.

Imagine our world without the noble teachers? A community without teachers can not be considered as such. Whether we like it or not, we can not attain our dreams and aspirations in life without educators.